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厂家直销批发 优质GK737S双核笔记本电脑 低价 欢迎来电

2019/12/30 11:41:05发布140次查看
*显示屏分辨率:1280*800 32位真彩色
*主 频:1.86ghz
*主 板:英特尔 n10 dmi bridge-nm10 芯片组
*显 卡: 英特尔 intel graphics media accelerator 3600 series
*内 存:ddr3  1g—4g
*硬 盘:ssd固态硬盘  16g---64g
*网 卡:瑞昱 rtl8103e family pci-e fast ethernet nic
*无线网卡:bcm430g 802.11g network adapter
*声 卡:英特尔 82801g(ich7) 高保真音频
*键 盘:标准 101/102 键或 microsoft 自然 ps/2 hid keyboard device
【公司简介  about us】
   深圳市远鹏时代电子有限公司 创建于1998年,隶属于高科集团,是一家集研制、开发、生产、销售于一体的高科技民营企业,专业从事计算机周边设备、电子数码产品。多年来,致力于信息化,科技化电子产业发展,凝聚了一支朝气蓬勃、勇于进取的营销团队及研发人员。
    远鹏秉承“科技创新、智胜未来、团结进取、追求卓越” 的企业精神,全体远鹏人正以此为核心,为实现“成为国际知名品牌”的企业目标,精诚团结,积极进取,在行业内脱颖而出。远鹏始终坚持“让顾客满意,让员工成长,让伙伴获利”的企业宗旨,以优良的品质,优秀的服务,独特的外观以及良好的信誉,赢得了消费者的认可和业界口碑,销售网络遍布海内外市场。
  shenzhen yepo time electronics co.ltd. was established in 1998. it has dedicated to the research,exploitaion,production and sales of digital and electronic communications products.under the enterprise spirit being self-confident,self-improvement,keeping forge ahead in solidarity,the staff of yepo has been dedicate in reallzing their goal-to be one of the ten best brands in china with in ten years.
the past five years have seen yepo insists in "making its cunstomers to be satisfied,employees to be trained,partners to gain profits."the comapny has setup a compelete set of strict quality - guarantee system in every aspects of performance. the quality management system of yepo was certificated as iso 9001:2000 standard and ce standard.yepo gains its customers compliments and respects through quality and services.its sales network is throughout china and even some overseas markets.
in the future,yepo will devote al tis efforts as usual to provide customers with good quality and services.


中国 深圳


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